برنامج شئون الموظفين الشهير لخدمه الارونيج orangehrmlive.com لانشاء رابط شخصي مجاني


 OrangeHRM الفنية هو وفعالة من حيث التكلفة حل HR شامل للالصغيرة والمتوسطة الحجم. للشركات العاملة في بلد واحد، OrangeHRM الفنية تقدم لك مجموعة غنية من وحدات لتلائم الاحتياجات الخاصة بك وميزانيتك
 OrangeHRM Professional is a comprehensive, cost-effective HR solution for small- to medium-sized businesses. For companies operating in a single country, OrangeHRM Professional offers you a rich array of modules to suit your requirements—and your budget
 Below you can find links to our web site where installation prerequisites and installation process are explained. Make sure you are connected to the Internet to follow these links. If you find any problem, feel free to post it at our forum
Installing OrangeHRM 3.2.1 in Windows
•Prerequisites for installing in Windows
•Installing steps for Windows
Installing OrangeHRM 3.2.1 in Linux
•Prerequisites for installing in Linux
•Installing steps for Linux

نبذه عن اصحاب الفكره

تلقائي على الرابط هذا جرب
* - بعد ما تسجل وتتابع للاخر : تروح لايميلك المضاف لتفعل الرابط ويعطونك بيانات الدخول لصفحتك
وهنا المثال تم
URL : http://algme3.trial412.orangehrmlive.com
Username : Admin
Password : JD6a0000

OrangeHRM's mobile application lets you provide quick access to the OrangeHRM application in order to perform daily, critical activities when the employee is out of the office or do not have access to main web application.
•Clock in and out of work
•Apply for leave
•Monitor leave, accept or reject applications for leave
•Manage or review personal profiles
•Review or monitor leave and attendance reports
•Submit timesheets
•Approve/Reject timesheets
How do I connect?
Enter your OrangeHRM Live trial URL.
 E.G. - http://ohrm.trial.orangehrmlive.com

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